Interested in Koru?
Let’s figure out your user type.
What are the two user types for Koru?
Koru helps companies build a balanced and diversified impact portfolio, through strategic partnerships. To this end, our platform is set up for the two following groups:
These are businesses using Koru as a comprehensive impact tool to receive materiality assessments, customized strategies, and our signature partnership tool, all to achieve their most impactful goals.
Impact Organizations
These are organizations joining to find partners or uncover a new funding stream. These users join Koru’s growing database of vetted entities built to create measurable and positive change in the world.
Let’s get started.
Which user type sounds like you?
You are looking for a solution to help identify what causes to support that align with your organization.
You are interested in supporting other entities through financial grants or other means.
You are a for profit business that places value on sustainability and impact.
You are implementing new initiatives to make your company more eco-friendly.
Your leadership is asking for solutions to respond to the growing societal pressures surrounding ESG.
You are interested in a streamlined way to find impactful partnerships.
You are seeking a solution for helping your organization support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
You are a non-governmental organization, non-profit or legally registered 501(c)(3) or,
You are a startup or small business founded to do good in the world or,
You are a research institution with a focus on creating positive impact for people and/or the planet.
You are seeking new sources of funding through corporate grants or investments.
Your work can be classified as innovative, impactful, socially-minded, and/or philanthropic.
You are interested in developing relationships with a for-profit entity.
You have the bandwidth to collaborate with another organization to create positive change.
Impact Organizations:
If you’re like a custom analysis of your organization to help decipher your user type, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Still not sure?
Koru was created to help build a better world.
Koru symbolizes new growth and progress. We are proud supporters of the United Nations’s Sustainable Development goals, created to offer a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.